Our product line is custom designed for use with Lacerte tax preparation software. Using our envelopes, report covers, and presentation folders will eliminate the need for mailing labels, saving time and money and cutting down on errors.
Save time and money, and reduce errors by using our envelopes and presentation folders custom designed for use with Ultra Tax tax preparation software. Custom printing gives that final, professional touch you are looking for.
These custom designed presentation products work with CCH ProSystem fx software, eliminating the need for mailing labels. This will save you time and money, and reduce errors. Custom printing is available for a more professional look.
Golden Way
"Custom Designed Presentation Products for Tax Professionals"
Welcome...Golden Way Business Forms offers quality client envelopes, report covers and pocket folders designed for the delivery of client organizer and tax returns. Our product line is custom designed for Lacerte, Ultra Tax by Creative Solutions, and CCH ProSystem fx Software. Please choose a category above for a detailed list of products available,